Reflection & Annotated Bibliography


Our assignment states, “You’ll probably get frustrated (maybe more than once) in the process of this project.” I was very, very frustrated occasionally with the process. I am proud of my final product. I couldn’t have achieved the final webpage without the frustrations. The project challenged me on the internet. The challenge was a beneficial experience because I learned to have patience when learning about new frontiers on the internet. I believe the online experience is priceless for today’s job market. Technology seeps into every pore of our daily lives.

I learned a lot more about my topic with this technologic method than I would have with a regular research paper. I was exposed to extremely current news stories. With a traditional research paper, the assignment doesn’t usually receive a bit of my attention every day for months at a time. The blog style of this assignment allowed me to follow stories for a greater period than with traditional papers. I’m not suggesting that all research papers are written in a short time frame. However, I am suggesting that not all research paper topics are subjects that I willingly keep at the front of my brain to consider for days on end. This project allowed me to explore a topic that I have great interest invested in. The blogging process felt more like a hobby than research for a paper. This feeling helped me smoothly complete the tasks assigned without complete dread. I would enjoy more projects like this assignment in future classes. I believe the format of this assignment allows students to cross over medium borders. I used photographs, videos, blog posts, and links. The project was much more interactive than usual research papers. I do not think this type of project is easier than a traditional research paper.

I spent great deals of time working with my WordPress and editing my videos in Windows Live Movie Maker. I am excited about my recently acquired skills with WordPress and I am excited to find venues to highlight these skills in future classes. This project takes a considerable amount of time. This fact is my advice to future students. “Semester Long Project” is not a name to ignore. Plan and begin execution early. I think an easier website for the hub site is my best piece of advice for the instructor. However, the in-class tutorials were extremely helpful. I suggest always giving the future classes tutorials for help with the different interfaces.

Annotated Bibliography

Chick-Fil-A. Chick-fil-A’s Famous ‘Eat Mor Chikin’ Cows Moove into Popular Culture Promoting Chicken over   2011. Web. <;.

This source is a press release discussing the marketing campaign of the cows for Chick-Fil-A. This source is extremely reliable and important because the release is produced directly from the company. I enjoyed reading this press release because the language is mostly informal.  The topics discussed provide great background for the cows. The cows’ success is highlighted.

McWilliams, Jeremiah. “At Chick-fil-A, Biblical Principles Shape Business.” The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. Cox Media Group, 20 Feb. 2011. Web. <;.

This source is reliable because it is the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. The article discusses the difference between the company being Christian versus having Christian values. The newspaper is reputable and provides great information. I like this source because the author took care to write eloquently.

Robinson-Jacobs, Karen. “Cows Bring Moola to Dallas-based Richards Group and Chick-fil-A.” The Dallas Morning News. 3 June 2010. Web. <;.

This source is reputable because it is also a newspaper. The article discusses the relationship between the firm that created the cows for Chick-Fil-A. I enjoyed this article because I had no idea how much money the adorable cows helped generate.

Starrs, Chris. “Truett Cathy (b. 1921).” The New Georgia Encyclopedia. Georgia Humanities Council, 2005. Web. <;. 

“A project of the Georgia Humanities Council, in partnership with the University of Georgia Press, the University System of Georgia/GALILEO, and the Office of the Governor” is written at the bottom of this webpage. These backing sources create a reputable and dependable site. This site provides a history of S. Truett Cathy. I chose this source because the writing is very succinct and simple to understand.

“The World’s Billionaires.” Forbes. LLC, 2012. Web. <;.

Forbes is a reputable magazine and reliable source for information. This article discusses S. Truett Cathy’s net worth. I had to include this source because I had no idea that Truett Cathy is a billionaire. I wanted to share the information with others.

Here’s a link to my in class presentation.

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